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What Is Direct Billing?


Direct billing is easy and fast! It is the option to have your health care practitioner submit your insurance claim for you on your behalf. The insurance company may pay the provider (your RMT) directly. Some insurance plans may be require the plan holder to pay up front. If you pay up front your RMT can still submit your claim and request the reimbursement is sent directly to you. 

Registered massage therapy is covered under most extended health benefit plans. RMTs can request payment be made directly to them on your behalf. Some insurance companies require that you have a valid doctor's note prescribing massage therapy before they accept your claim. 

What is the Direct Billing process?​





2)  Confirm with your insurance company

you have RMT coverage


3)  Bring in your insurance information 

Policy number, ID number, and Photo ID


4)  Get your massage!


Terms we will use while talking insurance 


Policy number: May also go by plan, contract, or group number. It is the number given to your company's general insurance policy.

Member ID number: May also go by certificate ID. This is your unique number and it refers to your specific plan under the umbrella of your company.

Deductible: a specified amount of money that the insured member must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim.

Co-Insurance: This term applies to patients who have multiple insurance companies. We will always submit to the insured member's insurance first. Any remainder will be submitted to your partner's plan. Some insurance companies allow us to submit co-insurance claims, but some may only allow us to submit the primary claim and require the insured member to submit their secondary insurance. If this is the case you will need to pay the remainder at the time of your appointment.

We Directly Bill

Canada Life

Can. Constr. Workers Union

Chambers of Commerce


Equitable Life

Empire Life
First Canadian

Green Shield
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc

Johnston Group Inc.

LiUNA Local 183

LiUNA Local 506

Maximum Benefit

Medavie Blue Cross


Pacific Blue Cross


Sun Life

We Do Not Directly Bill







Massage therapy is a health care treatment that has the advantage of being included in extended benefit packages. In order to prevent abuse of this privilege, we have created a list of commonly asked questions. Patients can be confused and offended when their RMT refuses something that seems like a simple change but is actually a request for the RMT to commit insurance fraud. The act of insurance fraud means that your RMT could lose their licence over one massage, which is an unreasonable risk for anyone to expect from their health care practitioner.

Plus, if our RMTs are doing anything illegal we would prefer much more adventurous crimes such as becoming a badass international drug smuggler or deadly assassin. We also would accept a therapist choosing to become a mad scientist and create a zombie apocalypse. But international insurance fraud? Lame.

We regret we cannot:


  • Put any name except the insured member’s name on the receipt


  • Put an insured member’s name on a receipt if someone else had the treatment


  • Give a RMT receipt for a gift card, the receipt is given at the time of treatment with the name of the patient who came in


  • We must put ‘no show’ on receipts for no show appointments paid for by the patient


  • We must put the exact treatment date on the receipt for each treatment


Thank you for understanding that we would love to help you out but performing any of the above put our RMTs at risk and we refuse to place them in that position.

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